Monday, October 19, 2009

National Writing Day

I decided to post the beginning of a piece of creative writing that I had to write for a composition class a few years ago while I was in High School. I decided to post this creative writing, because I personally think creative writing is extremely important. I'm the type of person would could sit and read creative stories, and books all day. When I think of a piece of creative writing, I think of a way for someone to escape their own world and sort of jump into another, through that piece of literature. For as long as I can remember, I have been totally in love with reading any type of fictional writing. When I think of creative writing, I automatically think of descriptive, creative writing that is meant to paint a scene in it's reader's mind, not just inform them of what is happening throughout the story line.
I also decided on this piece of writing, because it was the only thing I could really think of that I felt like sharing with other people. Most of my writing is very personal, and can't find it in me to share that kind of stuff with people, considering on how shy of a person I am, even online. But since I wrote this many years ago, I felt it was alright, and it has nothing to do with me, so I'm fine with posting it online.
As you can tell by the piece of writing I posted on the website, creative writing is not my strong point. Then again, writing in general is not really my strong point. I have always kept a diary for as long as I can remember, and my boyfriend is currently deployed in Afghanistan, so writing letters are a part of my everyday life, but writing for other people, such as papers, and even blogs, is not my cup of tea. I would much rather read. Since I am more of the reader than the writer, I know how important a good piece of creative writing can be. I would much rather read a story that is full of detail and new words that make me think, than read a piece of writing lacking detail and using everyday words. When I read for pleasure, I love when the author of the writing puts such description behind their words, that it is almost like watching the book play out in my mind.
Personally, I think that the reader of a piece of writing is just as important as the writer themselves. If an author writes something that no one will want to read, then what is really the point? So whenever someone is writing a creative piece of writing, they should always keep their readers in mind. When you are reading something, would you rather have it painted out all nice and pretty for you or would you rather have to guess what the author is trying to say, and wishing you were reading something else? This is why I think descriptive writing is extremely important in any type of writing, but most importantly, creative writing. If only we could somehow get text book authors to be more creative; maybe more people would actually enjoy reading their works.

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