Monday, September 14, 2009

Online Writing: Good or Evil

Many people have different opinions on the subject of writing online. Those who are in favor of it, agree that Twitter, Facebook, and blogging helps people write in their everyday lives. Those who can not agree with the subject of online writing, seem to think that blogging, and twitter are useless online websites.
Those people who use and are in favor of online writing, say that any kind of writing is good practice for formal writing. In one online article, the author said practice makes perfect, therefore online writing helps. However, the same article says that 30 years ago, people were more apt to talk to one another face to face, and now we would much rather use some sort of online communication. I would have to agree with that. Using Facebook and Twitter makes it easier to get in contact with someone. Thinking back 30 years ago when there were only telephones, it would be difficult to get a hold of someone. Instead of waiting by the phone, you would just need to check your Facebook, or email to talk to the person. It all seems so much simpler.
In the article "Traditional Writing Skills Don't Work on the Web" the author explains how the writing we are used to, can't be used online. Considering the fact that Twitter only allows 140 characters per entry, you must condense everything you want to say. Therefore all of the information we have learned about writing throughout every English class we have taken, is thrown out the window when it comes to writing online. The author also states that in many pieces of formal writing, the writer is giving us completely useless information. The sentences they are giving us are pretty much running in a complete circle. The author then goes on to say that the good thing about Twitter and Facebook is that we get right to the point due to the lack of space. I agree with that statement. If Twitter did not have a character limit, there would be people typing out their life stories. Who really wants to sit there and read about what they had for breakfast and who they're meeting for lunch. I admit, I like to skim my Facebook page reading my friends statuses, but I usually skip right over the lengthy ones. I say get right to the point you are trying to make, boring or not. It is up to the reader if they would like to read it.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog title is witty and catchy. You do a great job of not just summarizing the articles and giving your interpretation of them, but just giving your response to what you have read. I'll have to take this idea and implement it into my own blogs.
