Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Books on the Go!

After reading these three articles, I have a better understanding on the whole E-Book thing. I have heard about it before, but me being the old fashion book lover never took an interest in learning more about the thing. I just found out after reading this articles that the E-Book could be an extremely useful device. As long as your E-Book has Internet access, you can purchase whatever book, article, or reading material you would like. Now that, I think, is extremely useful. As soon as I read that I instantly began thinking of the use anyone could get out of something like that. You could download any book you want to read while you wait forty five minutes to get in to see your dentist. Before this device if you were only able to read your favorite book in the dentist office, if you brought it with you. How inconvenient to carry around one of Stephen Kings huge 700 plus paged books. Now all you would need is your handy dandy little E-Book. People in this day of age are hardly ever home. They are always on the move whether working, going to school, or doing whatever. With this device, busy people who love to read, can actually continue reading without having to slow down their busy lives. I really find this a cool thing.
On the other hand, I love curling up with one of my favorite books and reading through it, turning each page with my fingers. On an E-Book, that would not be possible. Also, there are many more people writing online these days than ever before. In one of the articles it explains the way that actual books (made with paper) start with the author, and end with the readers. Books and other types of writings these days are done online, where people are allowed to comment and give their piece of mind. That way the author of this piece of writing can alter their writing to please their intended audience. This is a new way of writing. If I were a famous writer, who made a living and a profit off of my fans who read my writings, I would definitely want their opinions before I sent out the finished project. The same article also said, that since many people are writing online now, they are saving money because they are not going through the entire publishing process. Personally, I think the whole writing online idea is great and not only gets people who are writing more out there, but it is helping those who love to read, read wherever they wish. Technology just keeps getting more advanced and will continue to advance as the years go on. If you think online writing, or reading is a stupid concept, then don't do it. There are however people out there who love the idea and will continue to use it. It is really up to you to decide if it is for you or not.


  1. I totally understand how you like e-books in some ways and then in others ways do not. I feel the same way. I think the key thing is that a person does not have to live with either only all paper books or only e-books. Everyone can just have the best of both worlds, or the best of one world, or neither, or whatever they want. Publishers and whoever else will provide whatever the consumers are willing to buy, so, I guess capitalism wins again!

  2. What about the prospect of requiring students to have e-book readers for their courses? There could be a reasonable flat rate for the reader and all the assigned readings for a semester for all courses. I can't imagine many like curling up with course readings anyway, so maybe this is a viable possibility in the future.
