Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blog on the Readings #1

After reading all of the required texts, I found that each author had a different opinion on the topic of blogging and such Internet websites as Twitter. A few of the articles were leaning more towards the idea of twitter, Facebook, and blogging being pointless and didn't involve any intelligent conversations. On Twitter and Facebook, people have the option to posts status updates and many people just post "cleaning my room" or "taking a nap". One author of an online article said that those types of status updates are pretty much pointless. There is no base for a good conversation with the topic of "I just fed my dog". An author argued that if you're posting a status online or blogging, make sure it has a strong enough subject for others to have a conversation based from it. Topics lacking depth are pointless. There are however, some people who update their status every other hour, making sure that everyone they are friends with know what they're doing throughout their entire day. Post such as that are not only pointless, but pretty annoying as well.
However, there were some good points made in favor of blogging. People say that any kind of writing, blogging or not, is good writing. Any type of writing is useful in everyday life. Many jobs require daily writing, and using such online forms of communication are good practice to continue writing throughout the day. Even short sentences on how your day is going so far (but keeping it short and not telling every detail from the moment you woke up, on) is a good way to keep the writing flowing along.
Personally, I'm not the type of person to update my status everyday. My Facebook for example, has had the same status for probably the past two months. I do however, like viewing the status of people on my friends list. A lot of them are pointless, and I tend to skip over them, but sometimes you come across a funny one that makes you laugh, even if it's pointless.

1 comment:

  1. I think I agree with you on your stance of pointless updates. Who really cares if you're going to Taco Bell...unless you're taking me and covering the bill. On the contrary, people are getting of their couches and exploring the world of text, even if it is sometimes rather rudimentary. I think it's also true that when people don't care about a post, they simply won't read it. Sooner or later, this person might catch on to the fact that no one is reading their posts.

    I'm not sure how I feel about people giving advice on updates. It's not a life or death situation here people. Just because someone is a genius online doesn't mean they have the same smarts offline. Hopefully, a boss or hiring manager would be smart enough to know the difference.
