Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tsk Tsk Plagiarism is bad.

After reading the articles on plagiarism, I have taken a much different view on the subject. I knew kids back in high school who would just copy and paste text from online sources like websites and Wikipedia while writing their paper. I can honestly say I was never one of those kids who would use other people's work as their own. However, I totally agree with the article "Scientists Explain Why They Plagiarize" on how copying and pasting these days is so easy to do. There have been many times when I've been racing the clock to finish a paper and the thought of just hopping on a website and using their information seemed oh so easy and just simply convenient. Luckily I have enough self respect and respect for the original author to do that. When I think of someone plagiarizing another person's paper, for example, I always wonder how the original author would feel about that. Unless that person put their writing out there precisely for people to use as their own, I'm pretty sure they would not like it.
In high school I knew a lot of people who would rather just half ass their papers. Not only is plagiarizing the easy way out, but it pretty much means that sitting in all of those writing classes, and doing all of that homework, meant nothing because in the end you don't even use your own brain and thoughts to get that final grade. Yeah it took you an entire hour to find that perfect paper and switch a word here and there, but you will never get that feeling of accomplishment when you receive an A, as you would if you wrote it on your own.
I can see where some people think plagiarizing is the easy way out. Maybe they're horrible at writing papers, or maybe they're just too busy. However, I really believe that just using someone else's work is down right lazy, and if you know you suck at writing, then get some help, not just copy and paste. How will you ever become a better writer if you don't learn how to do it yourself?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stranger Then Fiction

I think that what we have viewed so far in the movie Stranger then Fiction is a really cool way to look at writers block. It shows the authors struggle with trying to finish her book with the perfect ending, and how really stressful it could be. I have had writers block plenty of times, even a few times during this blog actually, and I know how stressful it can be. You really try to find those perfect words to make that perfect sentence to describe what you're trying to say to your desired audience. I totally understand why the author in the movie turns to chain smoking and drinking alcohol; the stress that comes with writers block can be enormous. With the author in Stranger Then Fiction, not only does she have writers block , but she also is trying to meet a deadline, and end the book with a 'bang'. That amount of pressure on a person can be tremendously hard on you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Books on the Go!

After reading these three articles, I have a better understanding on the whole E-Book thing. I have heard about it before, but me being the old fashion book lover never took an interest in learning more about the thing. I just found out after reading this articles that the E-Book could be an extremely useful device. As long as your E-Book has Internet access, you can purchase whatever book, article, or reading material you would like. Now that, I think, is extremely useful. As soon as I read that I instantly began thinking of the use anyone could get out of something like that. You could download any book you want to read while you wait forty five minutes to get in to see your dentist. Before this device if you were only able to read your favorite book in the dentist office, if you brought it with you. How inconvenient to carry around one of Stephen Kings huge 700 plus paged books. Now all you would need is your handy dandy little E-Book. People in this day of age are hardly ever home. They are always on the move whether working, going to school, or doing whatever. With this device, busy people who love to read, can actually continue reading without having to slow down their busy lives. I really find this a cool thing.
On the other hand, I love curling up with one of my favorite books and reading through it, turning each page with my fingers. On an E-Book, that would not be possible. Also, there are many more people writing online these days than ever before. In one of the articles it explains the way that actual books (made with paper) start with the author, and end with the readers. Books and other types of writings these days are done online, where people are allowed to comment and give their piece of mind. That way the author of this piece of writing can alter their writing to please their intended audience. This is a new way of writing. If I were a famous writer, who made a living and a profit off of my fans who read my writings, I would definitely want their opinions before I sent out the finished project. The same article also said, that since many people are writing online now, they are saving money because they are not going through the entire publishing process. Personally, I think the whole writing online idea is great and not only gets people who are writing more out there, but it is helping those who love to read, read wherever they wish. Technology just keeps getting more advanced and will continue to advance as the years go on. If you think online writing, or reading is a stupid concept, then don't do it. There are however people out there who love the idea and will continue to use it. It is really up to you to decide if it is for you or not.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Online Writing: Good or Evil

Many people have different opinions on the subject of writing online. Those who are in favor of it, agree that Twitter, Facebook, and blogging helps people write in their everyday lives. Those who can not agree with the subject of online writing, seem to think that blogging, and twitter are useless online websites.
Those people who use and are in favor of online writing, say that any kind of writing is good practice for formal writing. In one online article, the author said practice makes perfect, therefore online writing helps. However, the same article says that 30 years ago, people were more apt to talk to one another face to face, and now we would much rather use some sort of online communication. I would have to agree with that. Using Facebook and Twitter makes it easier to get in contact with someone. Thinking back 30 years ago when there were only telephones, it would be difficult to get a hold of someone. Instead of waiting by the phone, you would just need to check your Facebook, or email to talk to the person. It all seems so much simpler.
In the article "Traditional Writing Skills Don't Work on the Web" the author explains how the writing we are used to, can't be used online. Considering the fact that Twitter only allows 140 characters per entry, you must condense everything you want to say. Therefore all of the information we have learned about writing throughout every English class we have taken, is thrown out the window when it comes to writing online. The author also states that in many pieces of formal writing, the writer is giving us completely useless information. The sentences they are giving us are pretty much running in a complete circle. The author then goes on to say that the good thing about Twitter and Facebook is that we get right to the point due to the lack of space. I agree with that statement. If Twitter did not have a character limit, there would be people typing out their life stories. Who really wants to sit there and read about what they had for breakfast and who they're meeting for lunch. I admit, I like to skim my Facebook page reading my friends statuses, but I usually skip right over the lengthy ones. I say get right to the point you are trying to make, boring or not. It is up to the reader if they would like to read it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blog on the Readings #1

After reading all of the required texts, I found that each author had a different opinion on the topic of blogging and such Internet websites as Twitter. A few of the articles were leaning more towards the idea of twitter, Facebook, and blogging being pointless and didn't involve any intelligent conversations. On Twitter and Facebook, people have the option to posts status updates and many people just post "cleaning my room" or "taking a nap". One author of an online article said that those types of status updates are pretty much pointless. There is no base for a good conversation with the topic of "I just fed my dog". An author argued that if you're posting a status online or blogging, make sure it has a strong enough subject for others to have a conversation based from it. Topics lacking depth are pointless. There are however, some people who update their status every other hour, making sure that everyone they are friends with know what they're doing throughout their entire day. Post such as that are not only pointless, but pretty annoying as well.
However, there were some good points made in favor of blogging. People say that any kind of writing, blogging or not, is good writing. Any type of writing is useful in everyday life. Many jobs require daily writing, and using such online forms of communication are good practice to continue writing throughout the day. Even short sentences on how your day is going so far (but keeping it short and not telling every detail from the moment you woke up, on) is a good way to keep the writing flowing along.
Personally, I'm not the type of person to update my status everyday. My Facebook for example, has had the same status for probably the past two months. I do however, like viewing the status of people on my friends list. A lot of them are pointless, and I tend to skip over them, but sometimes you come across a funny one that makes you laugh, even if it's pointless.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My 1st English Blog

This is my first time using a blogging system, so hopefully I'm doing everything right.