Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cover Letters

When I was in 10Th grade, I thought it would be a good idea to take a keyboarding class. Little did I know, the class consisted of typing formal letters, letterheads, and other business type stuff. After the first two weeks of that class I was ready to drop kick not only the computer, but the 100 year old keyboard teacher. So, needless to say, reading the article "How To Write a Cover Letter" brought back some very unwelcome memories. I totally understand the importance of a formal letter, and yea, nicely typed documents with letter covers and all those fancy letterheads and what not look nice, but they just make me cringe a bit.
I have personally never had an interview (my job was literally handed to me when I turned 15; lucky me) or ever had to fill out a resume, but I do see the importance of formal writing in job settings. My little brother is currently searching for a job, so he is in the process of filling out those pesky little applications for every fast food restaurant he can find, so this topic is somewhat fresh in my mind. Since he is only a junior in high school and he's applying for fast food jobs, he isn't really required to write out detailed cover letters on why Taco Bell should hire him.
I really didn't learn anything new after reading these articles, but I must say, these were far less boring than that year long keyboarding class I took years ago.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I chose to write my Pop-Up Scholarship assignment on a Time Magizine article I found about the author of the famous books "Twilight", Stephanie Meyer. I chose this article, because at the current moment, I am rather interested with this particular author, and her works. I also really enjoy reading Time Magizine and a majority of its articles. After reading the article I found online, I found out some facts that I had not previously known about Stephanie Meyer and her thoughts on her famous writings. I have always been a fan of Stephanie Meyer, since the release of the first book in the series, Twilight.
However, I am not much of an editor, so I personally found this assignment a little frustrating. I have not declared a major yet, so I could not really choose a piece of writing based upon my major, so I just chose something I enjoy reading.
Throughout the article, I found myself mostly removing sentences and chunks of paragraphs that I found useless. I hardly added anything to the piece of writing from my own thoughts, in my own words, except for the occational comment here and there. I aproached this assignment, somewhat dreading it due to my lack of ability to edit works of literature, or writings. Even in high school, I sometimes skipped out of my English class when I knew we were going to be peer editing papers. I am not really sure why I dislike it so much; probably because I am not too good at it.
The piece of writing I chose pretty much went hand in hand with my opinons on the Twilight books, and their author Stephanie Meyer. The article was definetly written by someone who enjoyed reading Stephanie Meyer's books. With this in mind, I found it difficult to really edit it, because the opinons on the page, were what I would say, only worded much better.